Simonyi Konferencia 2011 - Large scale desktop virtualization challenges (Michal Kopp - Morgan Stanley)

Desktop Virtualisation – also known as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) – is changing the way desktop and server technologies are provided. VDI enables reduced delivery times, increased flexibility and greater cost management to the enterprise. This technology is driving a significant positive change in how business will be conducted in the years ahead, an understand of the challenges faced within the industry is critical to today’s Chief Technology Officers.

A Simonyi Konferencia a Szakkollégium, és talán a Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar legnagyszabásúbb, hallgatók által szervezett szakmai rendezvénye. Évente egyszer, tavasszal, immáron nyolcadik alkalommal került megrendezése.

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Az esemény dátuma: 2011. April 19.