There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI), especially machine learning (ML) is an extremely hot topic with significant interest from both business professionals and technologists. However, preparing data, building, training, deploying and operating ML models can be challenging without the right services and tools. Amazon Web Services (AWS), as the biggest public cloud provider, offers the broadest and deepest set of machine learning services and supports cloud infrastructure, putting machine learning in the hands of every developer, data scientist, and expert practitioner. In this presentation, I will provide a general overview of the most important AWS services that 'do the heavy lifting', and solve most of the problems businesses face in this domain.
Credits in English:
András Iván - Vision Mixer
Attila Gergő Ábri - Camera Operator
B. Dóra Molnár - Host
Balázs Bidló - Stage Manager
Balázs Csányi - Audio Engineer, Production Assistant
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